Bramble Woods: inspiring GROWth, engaging communities

Outdoor community project in the heart of Catterick Garrison.

A space for Catterick to enjoy

e50K has been gifted stewardship of Bramble Woods by the MoD - With the support of corporate partners we are developing a 3.5 acre veteran woodland situated at Catterick.

We are developing the site (alongside Amey) into an intergenerational space for the community including a onsite community poly tunnel picnic area, woodland retreat, multihued allotment site and relaxing pond area.

poly tunnel for all

The vision for Bramble Woods is welcoming green space for local schools and organisations to defence families to utilise and enjoy, we offer a free to access community hub and provide volunteering opportunities for everyone- regardless of age, gender, disability and race. The site prides itself on inclusivity and sustainability, with strong ethics on protecting the environment.  

The future sees the development of the allotment site with over 100 community planters, outdoor classroom and “community swapping” stations. 

If you have a keen interest in the outdoors, we are always looking for volunteers of all ages to support the development. Likewise, if your community group would like to use the outdoor space get in touch via

Alternatively, we’re always looking for support on our crowdfunding page…


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